After three years in Credence trying to fade into the background, Della Munroe is sick of being invisible. She’s ready to take back control. To live a little. Hell, she’s ready to see what this dating fuss is all about. And if that means she has to download Tinder and date every guy in Colorado, then she’s up for it.
After her first disastrous attempt, she decides navigating online dating would be better with a wingman, and there’s no better person for it than Tucker Daniels. After all, he is a man. And he owns a bar, which practically makes him a relationship expert. He’s also her older brother’s best friend. Yes, she may have the teeniest tiny inconvenient crush on him, but he’s always had her back.
Tucker Daniels would rather eat broken glass than watch Della go out with a bunch of douchebag dudes only out for one thing. Unfortunately, he’s never been able to say no to her, and before he knows it, Tucker’s not only vetting her dates—he’s teaching her to drive, helping her move out, and buying her a puppy!
But when Della wants him to tutor her in more intimate arts, he freaks out. Because this little sister is strictly off-limits, and saying yes to Della is asking for a whole lot of trouble.
Title: Asking for Trouble
Author: Amy Andrews
Series: Credence Colorado (Book 3)
Pages: 400
Genre(s): Contemporary, US
Hot Buttons: our heroine suffered an abusive marriage including sexual, physical and mental abuse (happens before the start of the book but may be triggering to some) <-- highlight to reveal (may contain spoilers)
Gah! How does Amy Andrews do it? She writes such complex, compelling characters that are so worthy of finding their happily ever afters, that you fall in love with them as they fall in love with each other.
This is the third book in the Credence Colorado series although it completely stands alone. In fact, while the couples from the first 2 books (Nothing But Trouble and The Trouble with Christmas) are name-checked, they don’t appear in this book. Although many other characters - and many new ones - from the quirky town do feature. But fear not if you, like me, hate a name dump of characters - it’s not like that. And the people of Credence are ‘real’ people with quirks - not ridiculous parodies of irritating schmucks that sometimes appear in novels as the meddling townsfolk.
But our book isn’t about them - it’s about Della and Tucker.
Della has had a hard life; Harrowing in many respects. While there’s never any truly gory detail - and the book happens 4 years after her rescue from her abusive situation - I can imagine that this detail may be triggering to some. For me, it just made me like Della all the more. Seeing how far she’d come and how strong she was - even if she didn’t know it herself. She was such an inspiration and I was her biggest cheerleader from the first page to the last. She put me to shame with her bravery and I admired her big time!
Tucker. *Sighs* What can I say - I’m a sucker for a Tucker. I can imagine all the girls sighing as he strides by in his checked shirt, boots and cowboy hat, looking like a deliciously dirty lumberjack. But he’s got a heart of gold. And how he loves and cares for Della… If it wasn’t so beautiful - I might cry. I probably did cry, if I’m honest.
Della and Tucker are just perfect together - and more than just sexually. But sexually they are hotter than the red spot on Jupiter. There was definitely some pearl clutching and face-fanning going on as I read the steamy scenes. It might take a while for the pair to take the plunge - but by God they more than make up for it when they finally do get going.
There’s definitely a build-up to the full-on sex scenes but there’s also no scrimping on the hot moments even before that. I’m trying to forget about dirty Rosemary, the saucy 80-year old, but the trip to the sex shop was both hilarious and really interesting. I’m thinking I need to up my game some. But maybe not to full-on Tinder. While that was also illuminating and hilarious - it was also down-right terrifying!
Other things to love about this book - apart from the awesomely swoony love story - the triple bromance of Arlo, Drew and Tucker. Who doesn’t love some boy banter? Betty the Cavalier King Charles - my own ovaries nearly exploded when Tuck arrived at the door with her tucked under his arm; I’m getting overheated just remembering it. But best of all is the humour. No, best of all is Ms Andrews’ writing in general. How she manages to make me feel like I’m not reading, but sitting down to catch-up with my bestest friend while she tells me a love story - is something I’m not quite sure how she manages. And as with hanging out with your girls, you’ll laugh, cry and tell each other all the juicy, dirty details. It’s utter perfection.
Whether you’re new to Credence, Colorado, or you’re like me and planning to move there - you will fall in love with this book and more importantly, Della and Tucker. Please give it a go - you will not be disappointed. 5 swoony stars.

Amy is an Aussie author of hot contemporary romance who believes in multiple orgasms, mighty wangs and happily ever afters. She’s been penning them for over twenty years and has 70+ books to her name.
As well as unforgettable characters and great sex you’ll also be treated to some laughs and a dollop of quirk because Amy doesn’t seem to know how to write a book without a bit of both. You might also cry a little because there’s nothing she loves more than a laughy-criey book!
She also loves sunsets and rainbows, unicorns and mermaids, booze and travel. And her home that overlooks the ocean. She may also happen to believe she was a Roman goddess in her past life because it's the only thing that explains her adoration for all things Italy.
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