Remington’s most notoriously single, notoriously sexy surgeon is about to fall for the one woman he can’t have…
Did I mention that she’s:
A) his best friend
B) immune to his panty-melting charm, and
C) sleeping on his couch for the next six weeks?
But Jonah’s not made for commitment, and a good man is the one thing Natalie deserves. Not someone who can only offer up a couple of sizzling hot, no-strings-attached nights of pure pleasure.
Unless that’s what she wants.
Because Jonah wants her. And with each moment they spend working together—
living together—the harder it is to resist temptation.
And even harder to resist the fall that might break them both…
Title: Better Than Me
Author: Kimberly Kincaid
Series: Remington Medical (Book 2)
Pages: tbc
Genre(s): Contemporary, US
Hot Buttons: tbc
"Come on, Jonah. You and I are just friends, and my living with you would only be temporary. I’m neat and fairly low-maintenance, and I really can cook like a boss. I know you like your space.” It was a euphemism, and if the smile poking at the corners of her lips was anything to go by, Natalie knew it as well as Jonah did. He was a freaking island, and it wasn’t by accident. “So I can totally stay out of your hair if you want me to. But please.” In a blink, her smile disappeared. “I’m begging you. Don’t make me stay with my parents.”
Jonah’s nice-guy propensity came out of hiding to pick a fight with his defenses, both of them quickening his pulse. His defenses didn’t fight fair, though, reminding him that he had damn good reasons for not being a long-haul guy.
He opened his mouth to say he was sorry. To tell Natalie, rationally and with good reason, why he just couldn’t let her move in with him for six weeks.
But what came out was, “Okay. You can stay.”
Christ, his inner nice-guy was a sneaky son of a bitch.
“Really?” Natalie let out a gasp that quickly slid into an adorable ear-to-ear grin, and okay, Jonah was going to have to do some damage control here.
“With a couple of stipulations,” he said, holding up his fingers to count them off. “If you want to watch rom coms or that channel that plays all those gooey holiday movies, you’ve got to do it on your iPad.”
Jonah knew from experience that she loved both, and with Christmas only a month away, she’d certainly want to mainline them whenever she had down time. But while happily ever after might be on some people’s agendas—and more power to them as long as they didn’t try to convert him to coupledom—he sure as hell wasn’t going to let it parade across his big screen TV.
“Come on! Not even It’s a Wonderful Life?” she asked, but he stood firm.
“The only Christmas movie that flies in my apartment is Diehard.”
Her hands moved to her hips. “That is so not a Christmas movie.”
“Take it or leave it, Kendrick. Yippie-ki-yay is all the holiday cheer you’re going to get out of me.”
Natalie frowned, but didn’t push her luck, so Jonah continued. “I’ll take that you cook, I clean bargain. I don’t mind doing all the dishes, and I wasn’t kidding when I said I can’t cook. No complaining about football or hockey—the Rogues are kicking ass again this year on the ice and I want to watch every game that I can. And for the love of all that it sacred and good, no bras on the shower curtain rod.”
His surprise must have stumbled over his face, because she laughed and tacked on, “What? You know I love hockey, too, and after meeting Finn Donnelly over the summer at that fundraiser at The Crooked Angel? I’m all-in for the Rogues. I promised you I’d cook, and the other stuff”—she lifted one shoulder beneath her light pink sweater—“I can stipulate, even if it is kind of grinchy. So, do we have a deal? I can come live with you until this mess is all fixed?”
Jonah exhaled. “Yes, we have a deal.


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