“How long do you last in bed?” Those were her first words to me, swiftly followed up with, “And how big would you say you are?”Persephone Alexander. Math genius. Lover of blazers. The only girl I know who can make Heidi braids look sexy as hell. And she’s on a mission. Lose her virginity by the end of the semester.
I walked in on her interview session for potential candidates (who even does that?) and saw straight through her brave front. She’s got a list of Firsts to accomplish like she’s only got months to live. I’ve decided to be her guide for all her firsts except one. Someone’s got to keep her out of trouble. I have one rule, no sex. We even shook on it.
I’ll help her find the right guy for the job. Someone like her doesn’t need someone like me and my massive...baggage for her first time.
Drinking at a bar. Check.
Partying all night. Double check.
Skinny dipping. Triple check.
She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met. The walls I’d put up around my heart are slowly crumbling with each touch that sets fire to my soul.
I’m the first to bend the rules. One electrifying kiss changes everything and suddenly I don’t want to be her first, I want to be her only. But her plan was written before I came onto the scene and now I’m determined to get her to re-write her future with me.
Title: The Perfect First
Author: Maya Hughes
Series: Fulton U
Pages: tbc
Genre(s): Contemporary, US, New Adult
Hot Buttons: touches on domestic abuse <-- highlight to reveal (may contain spoilers)
I’ve been just a tiny bit obsessed with Maya Hughes since I first read Ruthless King at the beginning of this year. I don’t often go out of my comfort zone - and new adult romance has never been my jam. So the fact that Ms Hughes managed to hook me, turn my head and convert me in the space of one book just shows what an amazing author she is. She just pulls you into the story, makes you care about her characters and leaves you unable to put down the book until you finish the story and get to that oh so satisfying happily ever after.
This book once again hits all the perfect notes and has popped Ms Hughes to the top of my auto-buy list.
Persephone - Seph - is different. She doesn’t mean to be. She doesn’t want to be. She just is. Your heart just clutches as Seph tries to find ways to fit in and to have the same experiences she sees all the other university students having. And if you’ve ever felt the same - slightly removed from everyone else, from the first, you will feel fiercely protective of Seph - even more by the fact that she never stops being herself. She’s awkward, honest, loyal and goes full throttle into everything she attempts. It was amazing to see her confidence grow throughout the course of the book and to see her become a more kick-ass version of herself by the end.
Reece. Ah, Reece. If only you knew what was coming to you. A cocky little bastard when we first meet him - he can’t understand why he’s intrigued by the quirky girl on campus who he accidentally meets at a coffee shop. (And if that scene isn’t the funniest thing I’ve read all year, I don’t know what is!) I do so love it when a man so sure of his place in the world meets someone who pulls the rug out from under him. But he met it with surprising ease - and his own development made me giddy. He even folds his clothes by the end of the book. That’s the perfect man right there, folks!
And I mentioned that Seph was always herself - well not once did Reece ever want her to be anything different. He liked her. Every part of her. It’s what attracted him to her in the first place. It’s a fist pump for the quirky girl getting the hot guy without changing for him or because of him.
The book also has a nice share of sexy shenanigans. Of course it does - the whole premise of the book is about Seph losing her v-card!
As well as all of the above, one of the things that Ms Hughes does so well is the banter and camaraderie of a tight group of friends. Aaargh - you just want to be them, be around them and wish like hell your own school experiences were like those at Fulton University. I know that Nix will get his own book shortly (The Second We Met) and I’ve got my fingers crossed for LJ (with Marissa?) and Berk’s stories very, very soon after that. I’m greedy for more of this gang.
I don’t know how she does it. Somehow, Maya Hughes has written the first book in a new series that it set to rival the amazing Rittenhouse Kings in feelings, banter and pure, unadulterated emotion. I could not put this book down and I feel slightly bereft now that I’m done - wishing I could have taken longer to read it so I could savour it for longer. I can hardly wait for the next in the series. 5 highly recommended stars from me.
Maya Hughes can often be found sneaking in another chapter while hiding in the bathroom from her kids! :-) I’m a romance writer who loves taking inspiration from everyday life, namely my husband and biggest fan. Inspiration also strikes when I hear a song, meet someone new or daydream while at soccer practice.
I’m the mom of three little ones, the wife to an amazing husband and also work full time. Some of my favorite things are cinnamon rolls, white wine, laughing until I can’t breathe and traveling with my family.

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