They were known to be the fiercest of all Norse warriors, charging into battle in a wild frenzy, no protection except the weapon they held in their hand.
Said to have the spirit of a wild animal inside of them, they were feared … revered.
And I had fallen in love with one.
I was a wanderer, a free spirit. I was paid to track and hunt, to kill. It’s what I did, how I survived. And I loved every minute of it.
But I found myself going to the same village because of one person … Greta.
I shouldn’t want her. She’s far too innocent for the likes of me, more animal, more feral than the fiercest of Vikings. But I can’t stop myself from being drawn to her.
And then she’s taken from me.
I’ll track her, hunt her down and bring her back. But that’s not all I’ll do.
Once Greta is back in my arms, I’m claiming her and never letting her go.
Warning: This story is totally wild and unrealistic. It holds no actual historical facts and is purely for reading enjoyment in all its craziness. It’s filthy and sexy, features a totally over-the-top hero who only has eyes for one woman, and he'll do whatever it takes to make her his. If you didn’t like Vikings before now, that’s about to change. *wink*
Title: The Berserker
Author: Jenika Snow
Series: A Real Man #18
Pages: 66
Genre(s): Short, Erotica, 1:1, Viking
Hot Buttons: Anal Sex <-- highlight to reveal (may contain spoilers)
Sometimes this is just the kind of book that you need. It’s kind of like a sharp, satisfying shot of espresso when you’ve been drinking a lot of cappuccinos and lattes.
At just 66 pages long - I devoured this book in one sitting and felt fully satisfied once I hit the end. You’re gripped from the start and there are no slow parts or much back story, making this a real page turner.
Despite the short length - you easily get to know the characters and root for them. Oh, except for the bad guy - I happily hated him and was hoping for his comeuppance for his dastardly deeds! Greta was a sweet, shy girl but she was no pushover. She wasn’t a dumb, damsel in distress that needed saving by a big, strong, sexy warrior. But since there’s a big, strong, sexy warrior who wants her with a fierce passion and wants to save her - what’s a girl to do but let him?
I love it when a strong, silent man - especially one who feels unworthy of the love of a good woman - finds his match and his happiness. Calder was such a man and I was so pleased for him to get his happy ever after! Much pleased sighing.
I wondered if the sex scenes would just be tacked on at the end of the action almost as an aside - since our couple aren’t properly introduced until the start of the story. I was happy that they weren’t but, to be honest, when they’re this good - who really cares where in the story they come!?
I’m not a fan of anal sex so normally just skip these parts in a book. Unfortunately for me - it was the epilogue that contained these scenes so skipping them wasn’t really an option as you know how much I adore an epilogue! I would love it if I could find a filthy, sexy book that didn’t think anal was the ultimate step in intimacy - but that’s just a personal thing.
The author herself mentions that this is a quick and dirty, wham-bam sort of book. While she says it doesn’t focus on historical accuracy - I was still pleased that none of the characters were texting each other or using zips or what not. It might not be true to the period but it’s still done with some thought which makes me happy.
Overall this is a quick, espresso shot of a read - short, sharp, sexy and fun. Definitely a good choice to keep things interesting. 4 stars.

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