No such luck.
Because it turns out that Cilla's not the only one who's developed a taste for forbidden fruit. When Jonah starts receiving threats from a vengeful ghost of Christmas past, he hires Cilla on as a bodyguard...and makes no secret about how close he wants her to be. Of course, that makes him more forbidden than ever.
Still, a girl can only resist so much....
I don't really know how to begin when describing this book because it was a bit hit and miss for me. The premise was fine and I was looking forward to some Christmassy cheer in amongst all the cloak and dagger stuff that was going on. That was somewhat lacking which is always a little annoying when they try to sell these books as being at least a little festive.
Putting that aside, it was fairly obvious from early on that the romance between Jonah and Cilla was going to take a back seat to the "mystery". That was a little disappointing in itself as I always expect Blaze books to be sexy and romantic but ultimately with heroines that you aspire to be like. As a result I didn't feel the romance between the pair had much emotion or depth.
Add to that, both Cilla and Jonah annoyed me for different reasons. Jonah because he kept referring to Cilla and Priscilla (her full name) as if they were two people. And Cilla because she got so wrapped up in Jonah she was useless when attempts were made on his life. Fine for any other occupation except bodyguard!
The story itself also ebbed and flowed. At times I was a little bored and then it picked up and I really wanted to keep reading. It wasn't truly terrible but not one I can really recommend. The writing was okay but all in all I can only give it 3 stars.
224 pages
224 pages
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