The white dress.
The diamond ring.
The full church.
The . . . missing groom.
Molly Miller had become a cliché when Jackson Davis left her at the altar, but she’d crawled back from the heartbreak and embarrassment and was living her dream of running a successful eatery in San Francisco.
Well, good riddance. She didn’t need Jackson, or any other man in her life. She had Molly’s, her restaurant, she had her customers, and she finally had found some happy.
Who cared that she had unanswered questions as to why Jackson had left? It didn’t matter. He’d gone and that was that. Moving on, grinding out one day in front of another, baking her way through her emotions and generally moving on with her life.
Until . . . one early morning Jackson walked through the front door of her restaurant.
And her whole world imploded.
Title: Bad Wedding
Author: Elise Faber
Series: Billionaire's Club (Book 9)
Pages: 207
Genre(s): Contemporary, US, second chance romance
Hot Buttons: n/a
Unexpectedly enjoyable
5 stars
The unexpectedness in this book was because I thought I knew what I was getting - a cute second chance romance. And I was very happy with that fact. So colour me surprised when the Russian mafia show up in the book and suddenly there’s guns and dodging bullets and big scary dudes and hiding out with some shadowy secret agent operatives! This was not what I was expecting…but I ain’t mad. It wasn’t dark and dismal (like I expect any book that includes the word ‘mafia’ to be (sorry!)) - and the main focus of the story was definitely still the love story between Molly and Jackson. It actually turned into a bit of a fun romp - and I loved that.
Before it got to that point, I was already impressed with how easily Ms Faber pulled me into the story. The chapters are short and snappy - easily giving you that ‘oh, I’ll just read one more’ idea until you look up and the book’s nearly done. I never got bored and kept on wanting to find out what would happen next.
The story is written in third person, past tense in the heads of both Molly and Jackson. That being said, I was firmly on team Molly to begin with and was as annoyed at Jackson as she herself was. I didn’t agree with his motives or his decisions regarding the wedding - but I slowly forgave him just as Molly did. It was cleverly done.
This is the 9th book in the Billionaire’s Club series but, as I mentioned, this is the first I’ve read of Ms Faber’s so I obviously haven’t read any of the rest of the series. At the beginning of this book there’s a list of who’s who from the series so far and that gave me the fear - I would NEVER remember all these names or how they were interconnected. I actually don’t think there were any cameos from any of these people so I needn’t have worried. Regardless, this book stands completely alone so no other books are required to enjoy this one.
Having said that, the secret agents appear to be getting their own spin-off series and I while Molly and Jackson’s part in the Russian mafia is over, I suppose the overall threat from the group hasn’t really gone away which will probably be picked up in the first of the aforementioned KTS series, Riding The Edge. And I probably will pick that one up, too, as I loved Dan. He reminded me of FBI agent Doug Matthews from McMillions - who I have a (not so secret) crush on!
There’s not much sex in this book - so when it does happen it’s explosive! A bit of angry sex when Molly and Jackson re-meet after 4 years. It was near the start of the book and while it was very hot, the fact that there’s not much after that fact is something I didn’t even realise until I finished the book. I love me a bit of sex in a book and I didn’t miss it as there was so many other things going on. During the sex - and in discussions afterwards - there’s a bit of backdoor access tinkering but nothing you can’t gloss over if that’s not your thing. And there's plenty of intimacy, kissing and the like to keep everyone, including me, happy.
I loved both Molly and Jackson as characters. I especially liked the honesty between them, especially on Molly’s end, in that she realised that after her wedding-that-wasn’t, she grew and became so much more. Jackson was proud of her and, you know, I was, too. I actually found her quite inspiring.
And I also really liked the fact that Jackson (and on occasion Molly, too) used many, many terms of endearment. It was sweet and really spoke of the deep feelings that Jackson still held for Molly. I read a book last week that made me #TeamHug - now I’m also #TeamEndearment.
There are three epilogues for this story - love me an epilogue - but only 1 for this particular story. One then sets up the next book in the series, Bad Engagement, which again sounds like a fun, fake-relationship romance - that’ll probably turn into another fun romp. The third sets up the KTS series as above.
Overall, this was a fabulously fun romp of a second chance romance and I loved every minute of it. It wasn’t what I anticipated but in the end I got something I hadn’t been expecting but ended up enjoying even more than I probably would have. 5 stars and I will look out for other books by Elise Faber in the future as I loved her style. Recommended.



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