He’s finally met his match . . .
P.I. Noah Sommers has always wanted Natalie Hastings. When a car accident leaves her with short-term memory loss, he doesn’t hesitate to take her in, along with protecting her when he learns she’s acquired a stalker. The hardest part of living with Natalie is keeping his hands off her until she can remember what happened. Only, he hadn’t counted on this beautiful, sexy woman making his job so difficult.
Natalie’s world has been turned upside down. Her only constant is her gorgeous “fiancé”, Noah. And she wants him . . . constantly. Only, all of a sudden he’s acting noble. But not for long, because Natalie is planning a seduction he won’t be able to resist. Before long, she has Noah right where she wants him. In her bed and her heart.
But will happen when Natalie discovers that their relationship was all an act?
*Originally published as The Ultimate Seduction by Janelle Denison.*
Title: Hot and Bothered
Author: Erika Wilde
Series: Some Like It Hot Book 3
Pages: 276
Genre(s): Contemporary, US, fake relationship romance
Hot Buttons: Natalie has a stalker who attacks her during the course of the book and has also done so prior to the events in the book, amnesia <-- highlight to reveal (may contain spoilers)
My favourite of the series
5 stars
I am a huge fan of Erika Wilde’s books - she always delivers an interesting tale full of rich characters who always have intense love, as well as deliciously sexual, connections. And this tale is no exception.
Hot and Bothered is the third story in the Some Like it Hot series (after Hot and Sexy and Hot and Heavy). You do not need to have read either of the first 2 book to understand and enjoy this one, as each book focuses on a different couple. However, if you have read the first 2, the snippets of detail we get about the lives of the first two couples that’ll have you sighing in delight. It’s like extra little happy epilogue moments and I do so love an epilogue.
Noah is our carefree, bachelor who has never committed to one woman before. Yet we only really hear about this side of his personality as from the first page, he’s smitten with Natalie, a new waitress at his local bar, who can’t be tempted into a date with him - despite the pair’s chemistry being off the charts! The Noah we readers get to see is more committed, protective and really a bit of a sweetheart. I do so love it when a hero falls hard for a heroine and is slightly overwhelmed and confused by all these new feelings. Couple that with the fact that Natalie is in real danger and Noah feels the need to protect her, and we’ve pretty much got the perfect hero, because - of course - he’s deliciously sexy, too!
Natalie is, as Noah himself states, a fascinating mix of different character traits. On one hand, she’s fairly timid and wary (understandable given her history) but she’s also feisty, knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to ask for it, as well as being sweet and maternal. I really enjoyed her and felt sympathy for her when needed and cheered for her when expected. I never pitied her or worse, was irritated by her attitude. Much like I said about Noah, she was the perfect heroine. And she’s 50s pin-up gorgeous, too!
As expected with every Erika Wilde book, there’s a huge dose of sexiness incorporated in the story. It’s made even more delicious as Noah tries his very best to resist Natalie’s advancements despite his almost animal need to be with her. But of course he gives in. And it’s so worth it. There’s a number of encounters but it never overshadows the main romance.
The same is true of the ‘suspense’ element of the story. I only put suspense in parenthesis as this isn’t a romantic suspense novel. We know exactly who Natalie’s stalker is and what he wants from her. It’s not nice, but it’s also not properly scary, thankfully, as I’m a complete wimp and wouldn’t be able to cope if it was! In the case of this book, the reaction that Noah has to protect Natalie seems very plausible for the threats - but it’s all a perfect blend that doesn’t take away from any of the other elements. All are important and all are perfectly combined.
If I have one note about the book it would be back to my love of epilogues. I oh so wanted an epilogue for Noah and Natalie. And I’m assuming that this is the last book in this series so I wanted one even more. Not worth docking a star over, but I’ve decided to be grumpy about it for a while!
Even so, this is a delicious romance with just the right blend of action, suspense, intrigue, romance and sexiness. The chemistry between our 2 main characters, and the personal obstacles they have to overcome to be together, really make their happily ever after worthwhile. Loved it. 5 stars.


Wilde is a New York Times Bestselling author. She is best known for her
super sexy Marriage Diaries series and The Players Club series, and has
also co-written the Dirty Sexy Series and the Book Boyfriend Series
with Carly Phillips, her best friend and writing buddy for the past
twenty years. She lives in Oregon with her husband and two daughters,
and when she's not writing you can find her exploring the beautiful
Pacific Northwest. For more information on her upcoming releases, please
visit her website at www.erikawilde.com and sign up for her mailing
list for updates and news!

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