Mari Fuentes is running her first 5K race—dreaming about the grant she hopes to win for her next documentary—when she discovers Convivio "Viv" Ricco—former ordnance soldier, wounded warrior with deadly Italian sex appeal, and notorious smartass—is keeping up with her. Finishing the race together is just the start to her day.
Viv is new to the Tampa area, and even though he's hotter than the sand on a Florida beach in August and doesn’t need any distractions, Mari agrees to spend the day with him to show him around.
Viv thinks Mari is the most determined woman he's ever met. But even as her passion bubbles to the surface, he can’t convince her to stay with him. She has an exclusive community event to attend that he isn't allowed to attend. Nevertheless, Viv embarks on a new mission to become the most import celebrity Tampa has ever embraced.
If Viv can’t steal Mari away for one night, how will he ever steal her heart?
Title: One Night in Tampa
Author: Angelique Migliore
Series: City Nights
Pages: 97
Genre(s): Contemporary, Short, US
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This is the first book I’ve read by Angelique Migliore but hopefully it will not be the last. She writes a quick, fun and deliciously sexy read with characters that feel authentic and all but jump off the page.
With being such a short story (97 pages), the ‘one night' in the title is actually the whole time span of the story - well more like one day and night. With that said, I really felt the growing feelings and emotions between Mari and Viv - the lust turning into something much more meaningful. This could be described as an ‘insta’ story but without the unrealistic declarations that sometimes feel false in these types of tale. With Mari and Viv, you can feel the giddiness - and almost fear - of finding someone you can really connect with and also know that there’s something more than just the lust.
And speaking of lust, this book was very sexy. I had to fan myself on occasion with all the dirty talk and dirty shenanigans between our couple. *Sigh* Add to that the cursing and I’m in bedroom (hotel room?) heaven! Yum!
Mari is of Cuban descent and uses smatterings of Spanish in her speech. My Spanish is woefully lacking but at least I learnt a few new words reading the book! Her speech patterns were also so authentic that I could almost hear her words with that sultry accent. Mari was a smart and fiesty woman. She knew what she wanted, what she didn’t want and went out and made things happen. Despite that, she felt kind, sweet and someone you would love as a friend. I really liked her.
Now Viv - he is my kind of hero. He’s wounded (an amputee), handsome and a complete smart-ass. I do so love me a smart-ass. Some of his comments had me laughing out loud - and some had me groaning - but you could see that under his humour he had some scars to go along with his physical ones. He was an alpha hero but with just enough vulnerability (and a genuine fear that Mari was too good for him) to make him someone to root for.

* I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. *

While in her third year of French at high school, Angelique was forced to journal every day.
Never a lover of her own personal diaries, she rewrote Romeo and Juliet in French.
Except that Romeo was a duck-billed platypus, and Juliet was a strawberry.
It was a doomed, albeit deliciously sweet relationship from the start.
Long before that, Angelique wrote, performed, and recorded ridiculously caddy
commercials with her best friend from grade school, Shannon. Born a creative soul, she enjoys
the many ways her artistic nature bubbles to the surface: quilts, jewelry, cooking, and baking, etc.
Ever the optimist, Angelique believes the best is yet to come, sharing a meal is the
quickest route to peace, and love conquers all. We are all far more alike than we are different.
Although she was born and raised in the paradise that is the Emerald Coast of the Florida
Panhandle, not traveling has never been an option for Angelique. It’s a small world, after all, and
we have but a limited amount of time on this beautiful planet of ours to experience it firsthand.
Religion and Linguistics are her first true loves. She also adores rugby. And champagne.
With fresh raspberries, if you please.
Kissing is her favorite pastime.
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