Bee Armstrong is used to being the ugly duckling in her family. Her sister is the one who gets all the love and affection, including from her parents. She’s learned to deal with being alone, so when a strange man can’t keep his eyes off her, she’s not prepared for what she feels.
Ragnar Black isn’t a decent man. He makes his money illegally and does whatever it takes to get what he wants. One night he’s walking home after a job and sees a girl so beautiful he can’t believe his eyes. He should walk away and not look back, but she calls to him like nothing ever has before.
Warning: Will Ragnar do every dirty thing in the book to his sweet, innocent Bee? Come on, this is us, and we wouldn’t let you down! Find out just how far he’s willing to go to make her his. Spoiler: it’s all the way!
Title: Kissing Her
Author: Alexa Riley
Series: /
Pages: tbc
Genre(s): Short, Contemporary
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Sometimes you just need a bit of over-the-top insta-love with a strong, sexy alpha and a shy, innocent virgin. Sometimes you just need a shot of Alexa Riley for that fix.
This follows that tried and tested pattern with a few minor differences thrown in. Our dirty, successful criminal hero is called Ragnar. And I mean, you introduce me to a man called Ragnar and I will be throwing myself at him and never letting go. No other description is needed except that name. *Fans self*
Bee is another great name that tells us all we need to know about our sweet, adorable little heroine. Despite Alexa’s heroine’s nearly always being young - I must be feeling a wee bit testy today because 19? Not even sure I can remember when I was 19! But she is a lovely lass and I wanted her to escape her life and go on to a happily ever after with Ragnar.
Despite this being insta-love, we don’t get the usual quick win. Sexually speaking, of course! Instead, Ragnar takes Bee out on a wee date - bless - after some manipulation of her horrible, culty parents. Bad parents and horrid sister. Saved by the criminal in shining armour. I definitely felt some parallel world cinderella thing going on here and I liked it.
But of course we have the sex. And it was gooood. However, I wanted more. I’m just as stunned at writing that statement as you are reading it. Yes, this is Alexa Riley. And yes I wanted more sex. But as I said, I am feeling testy today!
And in what’s becoming an annoyingly common occurrence, I did notice a large number of editorial mistakes and errors. For such an established writer with so many books, I feel there should be much better editing. It’s a shame because I love Alexa Riley and I love losing myself in their books. I don’t want to be pulled back to real life with silly mistakes. Grrrr.
But enough about that…
The story is cute and that perfect insta-love fairytale. We get our happily ever after and, count them, two of my beloved epilogues. Everyone knows how much I love an epilogue. That’s why Alexa Riley are my soul sisters!
This is a classic Alexa Riley tale with all the elements that you expect - and everything you need for a quick, 1-hour insta-love fix. 4 stars.

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