Miss Elinora Browning grew up yearning for the handsome, intelligent lord-next-door...but he left England without a word of farewell. One night, inspired by a bit too much sherry, Nora poured out her heartbreak on paper. Lord Dashwood Missed Out was a love letter to every young lady who'd been overlooked by gentlemen--and an instant bestseller. Now she's on her way to speak in Spindle Cove when snowy weather delays her coach. She's forced to wait out the storm with the worst possible companion: Lord Dashwood himself.
And he finally seems to have noticed her.
George Travers, Lord Dashwood, has traveled the globe as a cartographer. He returned to England with the goal of marrying and creating an heir-only to find his reputation shredded by an audacious, vexingly attractive bluestocking and her poison pen. Lord Dashwood Missed Out, his arse. Since Nora Browning seems to believe he overlooked the passion of a lifetime, Dash challenges her to prove it.
She has one night.
I think I own most of the books in Dare’s Spindle Cove series but as yet have only read one or two. As this is a novella and would be quite a quick read, I decided not to wait until I’d read the books in the right order but instead jump right into this one.
The premise is fun and something a wee bit different from normal while still sticking to a familiar pattern of young love turning into something real.
Miss Elinora Browning - Nora - is a great character. She’s feisty and fierce while still being true to her bluestocking roots. She felt true to the time period and I could relate to her meaning that I was rooting for her happy ever after.
Interspersed in the book are chapters that bring you to Spindle Cove and those waiting out the snow storm to hear Nora speak of her famous - or infamous - pamphlet. These are the parts that give you a glimpse of the characters of the previous books in the Spindle Cove series, especially Griff and Pauline from Any Duchess Will Do and the heroes from the previous novels. As I said, I’ve not read all the books but these snippets and the banter between the gents has really made me want to pull the Spindle Cove books out and get to reading. Genuinely funny with ease and interesting banter between these characters.
This is the same with Dare’s writing throughout this story. It’s smart, funny and really flows. It’s an easy read and that, in part, is down to the way in which you’re drawn into the story.
So, why didn’t I rate this book higher? Well, I blame George Travers, Lord Dashwood aka Dash. I just couldn’t take to him. Now, I could totally understand his anger at the pamphlet that Nora wrote - she wasn’t exactly subtle about who she was talking about. I could accept if he hadn’t found her attractive when they were younger and hadn’t contemplated marriage. I could even accept that it was definitely a good thing that the pair hadn’t married all those years ago. What I couldn’t accept was his attitude and his manner with Nora. He was rude, condescending (and not in that ‘he’s arrogant but he really cares’ kind of way that I can totally get behind) and his goads and taunts felt borderline mean. Oh, he did get better towards the end of the book and I believed in their intimacy and their happily ever after - I just couldn’t really forgive him for his attitude when he and Nora first reconnected. I do like to hold a grudge!
A fun book with lots going on, an unusual premise and a witty and clever writing style - this is one I would recommend if you want to complete your Spindle Cove collection or introduce yourself to Tessa Dare’s writing. Shame that it couldn’t have been a wee bit better - I blame George!
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