I've never read the first book in this series (The Vincent Boys) where Ash and Beau get together so I had no prior expectations of the characters. Despite this, I don't think there's any real need to read the books in order although it's probably what the author intended.
This book is written in the first person and has alternating chapters with differing character viewpoints. I'm not normally a fan of this style of writing but it really does work in this instance. Abbi Glines' writing style is fun, engaging and it was an easy read because it kept you hooked.
The main reason that I didn't give this book 4 or even 5 stars was purely down to the fact that I'm clearly not the target audience. If I had been 10 years' younger, I would have devoured this book and headed straight out to buy the first one. But the characters have just finished high school and, as a result, I didn't identify with them. I found some of their actions a little immature and annoying rather than understanding their viewpoints.
It's just romantic enough and just sexy enough for the young adult market but this isn't the book for me. I still read and enjoyed it and would highly recommend it if you are the target audience. Only 3 stars from me but I'm still glad that I read it and happy that everyone got their happy ending.
304 pages
304 pages
* I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. *